Literary Speculation

This week's discussion on literary work v.s. genre work poses a very interesting topic. When we were first brought this subject, I didn't know what it was exactly talking about or even close to talking about. However through comparing the aspects and elements of literary works to those of genre works it has now become apparently clear.
There are some stories, and texts that fall directly into the Sci-fi genre because they are about that, science fiction in its full. However there are those other texts that hold themes and perhaps elements that are found in sci-fi genre, but not considered to fall into the genre itself. The short story "The Distance of The Moon" I believe is a literary work, opposed to a sci-fi genre. This text does have distinct elements of sci-fi and fantasy as well, such as jumping to the moon, the moon being so close to earth you can reach it, and harvesting the milk of the moon. However, the main concept and plot of the story is not based on the science fiction itself, but more of the relationship between the characters in the story and their place in things. I think it is important to be able to identify and discern if a work is either literary or genre, but is not necessary to know just to enjoy the reading. In identifying different genre works and where certain things fit into the category, this is a main point to learn, if studying literature, just as I have in this class. And in knowing these qualities I think my understanding of different works will definitely be altered and also enhanced. To be looking where it fits in, to the genre or the literary.


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